FYG Planners are pleased to announce Hart Wealth Management from Adelaide have joined our privately owned financial services licensee.
Hart Wealth Management was established by Peter Gehlert to improve the lives of his clients and the wider community.
Hart Wealth Management are actively involved in schools to promote and teach financial literacy, so that the next generation will better understand the impacts of their financial decisions and what is required to achieve thier goals and live without the stress that financial mismanagement brings.
No matter the stage of life: starting a first job; buying a first home; starting a family; building up investments; approaching retirement or living off an accumulated nest egg, Peter can help ensure the financial decision will be a wise one.
Peter holds a holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance & Accounting) from The University of Adelaide and has an Advanced Diploma of Financial Planning.
If you would like to meet with Peter to discuss your personal finances or are part of a community group that would benefit from a financial literacy program in Adelaide, you can find Peter at Hart Wealth Management.